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Downright Fiction E-Magazine is a platform that encourages independent thinking and creative expression. The website aims to bring together all things related fiction, un-fiction and music for our readers as well as our writers. You will also find Tips & resources for writers, and downloads & interviews for music lovers.

The Doorway : One Foot In / Your Story Contest


So just to make things a little fun at Downright Fiction, we’re announcing a writing contest that will get your mind ticking and hopefully (to those of you who think you'd like a subject to write about) this is something to help you make a move toward experimenting in writing.

C’mon ! You can do this ! We’re beginning to get the magazine together very very soon.

Let’s see what you can do. Let’s hear your voice. Let’s hear your story.

This writing contest has simple rules:
1. Start or finish the story with the excerpt given below. You can even use the excerpt as a mid-section to your story.
2. The piece must be a minimum of 1500 words and has no upper limit.
3. You may choose to change the tone of the piece given below in accordance with your written voice, as long as the content is similar. Tense may be altered.
4. The final story is due by the 20th of May, 2010.
5. The entry must have the subject line : " Your Story Contest "

I cannot stress enough how excited I am that you are with us, continually, and since we are still at start-up stage there is unfortunately no fancy ‘prize’ offered; but we will do a feature of the chosen story entry – I’m hoping that is fair bargain?! If not, this is still a piece of writing that you will have in your repertoire?

And as for you as a writer, you’re almost in that place where you’re getting confident in your writing abilities, so what better time than the upcoming summer to try and come up with some amazing fiction (or not!)? Not? ....If you want to weave a non-fiction angle into this whole piece, go right ahead. The magic is waiting to happen. There are no major restricitions in this contest!

The excerpt:

“ Your Story “ – Short Story Writing Contest.

….If I had known that this was what really happened, I wouldn’t have done
what I did. But I did it. And I had to pay the consequences.

I was in bed that night and wondered for every passing second, if this is how
things would always be. I tried to count sheep, or the number of stars in the
sky that I saw through my window, but I couldn’t get my mind off of it.

To tell you the truth, had I done this with a feeling of real hatred, I wouldn't have minded so much. You deserved it. But I was doing things I had no control over.
I don't know why I listened to any of this bullshit.

And that is what really didn’t let me go to bed that night. I wished you didn't deserve it. The fact is, you always did.

Tip: If you would like to involve your friends and send out this contest to a couple of them, it might give you something to work on together, almost to see interestingly how each person has a different story to tell. Also, we'll be beginning to involve a serious group of writing folk who will have the pleasure of having received the published Innaugural issue.

To reassure you all : All entries will be published. The contest will have a featured winner, but every story will be heard.

I hope you're as excited as I am.

Maybe I’ll participate too ?!

Good Luck!
-The Ed

Inquiries/Questions can be sent in at : downright (dot) fiction (at)
Subscription and Submission Information is available in the toolbar above.

1 comment:

  1. The closing date is my last day of term :p Well... of school.. ever :p UNI HERE I COME


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