A novel by Marilyn Bostick
He placed the briefcase as far back under the seat as it could go. He pushed it up against the wall. That would have to do. He looked at his watch it was time to go.
He couldn’t see the others, but he knew they were there. They’d all taken the ride up from the valley on separate cars, all with the same mission. He walked through the train station and headed towards the parking lot. It took a couple of minutes to locate the vehicle, but it was right where he had been told it would be. He beeped the doors unlocked, and got in behind the steering wheel to wait for the others. It took them all of five minutes to gather at the vehicle. The SUV was big enough to hold six members. Once in the vehicle he drove them down the street to a local restaurant he’d picked out on his scouting trip. At the restaurant they went in, placed their orders, and waited for the show to begin.
The group of six didn’t look any different from any of the other customers. That was the plan of course, to blend in. They were all in t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes. Dressed like the majority of people hanging around. When they ordered their meals it was the standard fair of hamburgers, French-fries, and sodas. Just a group of young people out for lunch.
He looked at his watch. In ten minutes they’d know if they had been successful or not. He looked out the window of the restaurant, and in the direction of the train station. Nine minutes and counting. There was subdued chatter at the table all of it having to do with plans for the day. Who was going to the movies, who would hang out at the club, and who would go home. Inconspicuous chatter for an inconspicuous group.
Business at the train station was picking up. One train had just pulled in, and another was getting underway. There were people in the station, at the trains, and in the parking lots. All with destinations on their minds. Quite suddenly people were thrown to the ground. There was a loud thunderous boom followed by two more.
Windows shattered, train cars were thrown off their tracks, and debris shot up and out, black smoke and flames rose to the sky. The daylight dimmed from the darkening smoke. There was total chaos. People were running to and from the trains, some running away in sheer terror others running to help, others were too dazed to do anything but stand looking at the wreckage. Sirens began to grow in the distance.
What had shot into the sky with the blasts now came raining down. People began to run for cover, there were more screaming and crying. People tried to dodge the falling debris.
Standing at the window he decided that it looked like things had gone well despite the two late explosions. They returned to the SUV and drove back towards the train station. From where they were sitting they could see enough of the destruction so it wasn’t difficult to determine that they had caused the maximum amount of damage for what they had to work with. It was time to head back down to the valley; there was more work yet to be done.

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