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NaNoWriMo Begins : Novel Writing Challenge

It's finally November and that can mean only one thing (other than it being Movember) -  It's National Novel Writing Month!

The Folks over at 'The Office of Letters and Light' do an annual event where you allocate thirty days to work on your novel project - within a per-defined per day schedule - and upload your finished product to 'register' passing through the finish line.

NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved. Your goal is to write a 50,000-word novel by midnight, November 30th.

The dashboard also tracks your daily project goals and allows you to interact with the forums and meet fellow writers. The goal of the project is quantity, not quality - and the outcome would be finishing that first draft you've been putting off since forever. Worth a shot, don't you think?

Although, this post comes a day late (you're probably only about 1600 words behind) ther'es still time to participate - and the delay shouldn't be a problem if you're using the system to act as a motivator and something to keep you on track. As they say, better late than never!

Why take up the challenge? Simply because it's time that idea in your head translates into that bigger story waiting to be told.

So, will you be  participating this year? Use the comments board below to share excerpts and talk about your experience with NaNoWriMo. (As always, rights remain with writers)

Find out more about NaNoWriMo here.

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