The following is an excerpt from Rachel Gladstone-Gelman's latest e-book, "The Pinata Pages, Commentary On Our Times"
Johnny Can Read Now… But He Doesn’t Like the Book
I was talking with one of my Facebook friends (before deleting my account) and the subject of textbooks came up. She raved about a textbook series from her childhood, and I nearly fainted. She liked a textbook?
And I was, again, reminded of my continuous ostracism from the rest of the planet when it comes to the classics. I can’t read (most of) them. It takes effort for me to get past the first sentence. They bore me, as my Facebook friend was bored by her teachers, so she turned to her textbooks. She was lucky. And while trying to help Johnny read, we should have been trying to write a book that he wanted to read. It’s not all in Johnny’s lap.
When the classroom (and social) bibles say a book is a classic, and you just can’t get into it, it’s how smokers must feel. Where can you go? What can you read? And you dare to ask the teacher if you can choose a different book to fulfill an assignment. Why on Earth would you want to do that?!
Please, sir. I want… to read… this one?
THAAT one?!
On a more (geographically) personal note, my mother’s resumé included interior decorator, and our family benefited, among other places, in the bathroom. She put a small “library” right by where you… sit. And in this intimate library were some classics. I couldn’t even read them there!
It’s a good thing I’m a daydreamer.
About the Book:
The Pinata Pages, Commentary On Our Times
There are topics that are barely receiving any media attention... and those that can't receive enough. This book aims to do something about both. Snarky, informational, humourous, concerned and no-holds-barred analysis of urgent, human interest and controversial topics urges compassion and wakefulness in light of our global society's and culture's collective and ill-directed fate.
About the Author:
Rachel Gladstone-Gelman from New York and emigrated to Canada in the summer of 2006. Her work has appeared in a number of in print and online publications. She currently has three self-published titles available through her website at www.pinatapoet.com.
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