Chapter One
As I sit in my garden overlooking the Mediterranean in my Marbella villa the temperature is about 44 degrees centigrade. Now if you have never been in that heat you can’t understand how fucking hot that is, you do not stop sweating, no matter what you try to do. Even if you jump in the pool you will still come out sweating, the only place you can go is indoors and shut the windows and have your air conditioning remote control as your best friend, and if anybody tries to take it off you god fucking help them. I’m sat outside under a big umbrella and for the last half hour I have been contemplating what a fucking life I’ve had for a boy born in Kensington, behind Harrods. Sounds posh you might think, no it was only because Shepherds Bush didn’t have a hospital at the time. But I’ve come a long way since then and I’m proud of where I come from and where I have got to. I’ve seen things in my life you wouldn’t want to see and been part of things you would never want your children to be part of, but it’s all because I have lived my life like a Rocknrolla, I just can’t sing. Now a real Rocknrolla is someone who lives life to the full as a crook or a gangster but has never sang a song or played a musical instrument, and I have lived my life like a rock star, fast cars, money, nice houses, women and drugs of course. It’s been an amazing journey and it’s been such a journey I need to write about it. The problem now is for the past 20 years everybody has been saying to me you need to write a book. Now it’s very true, but the problem now is I can’t write it all in 1 book, so if this one goes well, there’s going to be a few more I hope.
Well I’m 40 now and contemplating what to do next. My main problem right now is what to do with this fucking license I need for the day ferry I run from Puerto Banus to Malaga every day. Now this ferry is a good little earner and it has been for 5 years now. It picks up all the tourists from Marbella and sends them down to Malaga if they want stopping at Cabopino, Fuengirola, Benalmadena, Torremolinos and then Malaga and then they can pick it back up again later in the day on their way back. Now this boat has its advantages, not just that it’s all cash money, but it avoids the roads if you want to get something somewhere if you know what I mean. The only problem is my licence is about to run out, so I need to get this sorted as fast as possible as it’s a good earner and I invested money I made a few years ago into it. So I have decided I am going to have a barbecue next Saturday and invite my lawyer and friends and the guy from the local Council who I need to stamp this licence for me so I get another 5 years.
So Saturday is here and it’s another boiling hot July Marbella day. God it’s so fucking hot you really don’t stop sweating and those flies love the sweat. My friends start arriving and my best friend Mickey has just turned up with his beautiful girlfriend Susie. Mickey is the local cocaine dealer and loves to party even though he is 52 now. He’s a trusted friend to me and we go back a long way as you are going to find out soon. Other people are starting to arrive, my German friend Rudi who is here on holiday, with his wife Silka. They are amazing people and he was the man who had the foresight to put fresh flowers in garages for people to buy and made a fortune from it, so simple yet so clever. I have total respect for him and look up to him as a father figure like no other, strange that, seeing as those German bastards killed my grandfather. I have arranged for some local musicians to play some Spanish music today, anyway the man who I need to sign that licence has just arrived, on his own as I thought he would, I knew this because he is one of those men who thinks with his cock, so I told him there will be lots of pretty girls here today. “Hi Manolo how are you?” I politely greet him. “Good to see you.” He says hola to me and I can see him stretching his neck over my shoulder at the young women sat by the pool, some topless and talking to each other. I call over the most beautiful out of all of them and introduce them to each other. “Manolo I would like you to meet my wife.” His mouth dropped. “Johnny your wife is so beautiful.” “Thank you Manolo, would you like a drink?” and I leave them to talk. Listen you will see shortly why I’ve just done that, but trust me ok, I know what I’m doing. I mingle with some people briefly and I look back and see Manolo and my wife laughing with each other. Great that’s just what I wanted. I take them their drinks back and ask Manolo about my licence stamp. He tells me there are a couple of other people interested in taking the ferry licence off me, ones a Russian as I fucking could guess the dirty ruthless bastards, they are probably the most dangerous people down here, even though the English mafia have a good hold on the Costa del Sol it’s the Russians who have Puerto Banus, and all the prostitutes, but that’s just the way it’s always been and it’s never going to change . The other interested person is a Spanish builder who is looking for something else to invest in now that the property market has gone to the wall. I ask Manolo if he would come into my office in a couple of hours after we have eaten and had a few drinks. I go to Mickey and ask him for a eighth of coke so I can go and sort myself out. No I’m not a coke addict, I love my coke and I have it when I want it, not every day, just now and again. I’ve grown up with it and I don’t drink much and I have never smoked. Anyway, the party is going well all these people mingling but my focus is on Manolo. I want that bastard to sign my licence and get a time for me and my lawyer to get a meeting sorted. My lawyer is here of course, what a character, he is a Spanish Columbo, even wearing a fucking mac on some occasions, but god he is so good, got me out of so many situations in my time here, he’s now my friend as well as my lawyer. The party is in full swing and everybody chatting to each other, Mickey making groups of people laugh the character that he is and the music and food has created a great atmosphere for everybody to enjoy. It’s a perfect afternoon in Marbella to be honest so I approach Manola and ask him to come inside the villa. We go in the office and start to talk. I tell him I want the licence and would like to get this sorted in the next few days. He asks me what is in it for him, of course he does, this is Spain. The last time he did this for me 5 years ago it cost me 20,000 Euros, I offer the same again. He says he wants a little bit more this time. Right on que my wife enters the door, Manolo looks at her, I know what he’s thinking you dirty filthy Spanish bastard. “Your wife is so beautiful Johnny.” “Thank you Manolo, I think my wife likes you.” “Really.” “Would you like to fuck her Manolo?” I shock him with my words. “Senior Richie.” Senior now is it you fucking Spanish weasel. “Listen Manolo, me and my wife have an open relationship, how about you fuck her for the next couple of hours and we agree the 20,000 Euros and me and Joachim come into your office with the papers on Tuesday for you to sign?” He doesn’t even look at me. He is mesmerised by this beautiful woman in front of him and you can tell his brain and his cock are having a full on conversation and we know who is going to win. Now I’ve seen Manolo’s wife and she is someone that has fallen from the ugly tree and believe me she has hit every fucking branch on the way down. She takes Manolo’s hand and they both walk upstairs and me and Joachim look at each other and then walk back out to the party. He’s amazed at my actions but is laughing at me. We mention nothing to each other at that point, he just trusts me and I just tell him to get the paperwork for the licence ready for Tuesday at 10am. We will go in there first thing and get that wanker to sign. I want this done and dusted. Well well well, I offered Manolo 2 hours with my wife but he’s back outside now after only 20 minutes, (here is another observation for men who talk about sex and what they would do to women, they are normally guys with small dicks and don’t know what to do with it if it was laid in front of them.) Manolo is looking very sheepish, so I go over to him. “You ok Manolo?” “Yes fine Johnny. I would like to say I admire you and your wife’s openness, thank you.” I say, “Its only sex my friend you sure you don’t want to spend some more time with her, you are quite welcome. Will it be ok for the paperwork for the licence to be with you on Tuesday?” I say to him. “Yes no problem I will sign it for you.” Now I completed that deal very quickly as you can see and do you know why?, because men, well most men think with their dicks, and think it’s ok for them to fuck someone and go and lie in bed next to their wife half an hour later. Now listen, Rocknrollas don’t do that, if we are single then we can do what we want, and very wild of course, but when you have the woman who you love and would die for her, you never fuck her over, never. And you have high morales to go with that. There is never any way you would try it on with a mate’s wife or girlfriend. It’s the unwritten rule, it’s a code, and that’s just the way it is. And it works.
Well Tuesday morning has arrived. I look out for the man in the mac with a small cigar in his mouth, my Spanish Colombo. He is there as i enter the building. I want this done quick i say to him. As I look around it’s a bustle of people walking slowly but talking fast, something you get to live with in Spain, and there is thick smoke in the air. I am sure Spanish people are born with a cigarette in their mouth, it’s unbelievable how many of them smoke. We make our way to Manolas office , we greet each other “Buenas dias Manolo.” “Buenas dias Senior Richie.” Oh Sir again is it you dirty fucker. Joachim gets the paper work out for him. They babble off in Spanish. I can understand most of it, I just never let them know how much, and I can talk enough to get by. I am fluent in German but I never use it much nowadays, but it’s done me well in my previous years. That’s it as quick as that, he has signed and I have signed. Joachim has signed and I hand him 20,000 in notes he doesn’t even count it, he knows it’s all there , he puts it straight into his pocket . Done deal. Got the ferry for another 5 years. “Glass of vino Senior Richie?” “No I got to go, but thank you Manola. ” as I turn to leave he asks “How is your wife?” “I say she is fine. I’m off to pick her up from the airport, she’s been away with the kids for 2 weeks.” His face looked confused. I look at him in the eyes. “You think I would let a man fuck my wife? Don’t be silly Manolo, that was a prostitute you fool.” and laughed. “You should think with your head not your dick!”, I laugh out loud. “How’s your wife?” I say to him. “I hope you used protection.” Joachim and I walk away and leave him there devastated. We give each other a smile. There you go that’s me. I’m ruthless, a cunt, and use my brain to get what i want. This is where you are going to learn about real Rocknrollas, because we are out there, we are ruthless cunts, so never cross us. We will come on top in the end and there is always a way. Now I must pick up my beautiful wife and children from the airport.

There's Always a Way is Johnny Lonely's novel-in-progress. Johnny has lived a life chasing the edgier side of living, full of risks and grabbing all he could from his many experiences with women, drugs, money and danger. Learning not to trust anybody has been part of the learnings, and knowing no matter what the situation ‘there’s always a way’ is the basis of writing this book.
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