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Downright Fiction E-Magazine is a platform that encourages independent thinking and creative expression. The website aims to bring together all things related fiction, un-fiction and music for our readers as well as our writers. You will also find Tips & resources for writers, and downloads & interviews for music lovers.

The Doorway : Where Do All Those Ideas Go?

The New Year's here and while most are already back to the grind, some of you are getting ready to make some new habits, routine changes and incorporate some more willingness to achieve. The start of the year tends to do that. But what are we going to really do about it?

While we write, piece by piece, word by word - ideas flow through streams of consciousness and somehow happen to make it to the page. But what happens when you're so caught up in all the other things - that your eureka moments get lost in the pond of "amazing" ideas?

Let this be the year that you wont let anything just slide. Make a notebook, create a post it on your computer - whatever floats your boat - scribble in your cell phone but remember to put your ideas down. They'll come real handy when you actually sit down to work on some bigger piece. You'll be glad you did something about it.

I know I've said this before, and it makes me sound very redundant - but it's something you've got to consider. The writing comes so naturally - that sometimes ideas seem to get lost. Sometimes they work as triggers. That's when you'll be happy you put them down.

May new ideas change your world this 2011 - imagine , believe and  achieve.

( If anyone misses having the Glass Pear music playing over our homepage, I've moved the player to the Issue's site. Enjoy :)!

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